Our Story

What started as a healing journey for Heather Star Benson, Creative Entrepreneur and CEO, is now BREATHE Natural Beauty.

It began with my journey into motherhood. In 2016, I became pregnant with my daughter, and from that moment I knew I wanted and needed to be the healthiest version of myself for me and her. Although I started transitioning to a natural care lifestyle prior to her arrival, it was during pregnancy that I explored creating my own natural products; toothpaste, deodorant, hair products, etc. After developing eczema on my hands, I needed a solution to heal and soothe my itchy, dry skin and the BREATHE Body Butters started to come to life.  

Once my daughter was born, I experienced post-partum depression, felt less and less like me and had limited time to take care of myself as a working mother. Without the capacity to run to the spa every week, I created products that could recreate those relaxing moments at home and on the go.  

Now BREATHE is part of the everyday rituals for me and my daughter to heal and replenish our bodies with love. Everyone deserves a little luxury and a moment to BREATHE IN and BREATHE OUT. 

Featured collection

BREATHE Body Butters are made with an organic shea butter base, blended with 100% pure, natural skin-enriching oils. No matter the season, your skin will stay moisturised and protected.